GOP 2012 Update!

June 1, 2011

A new poll released Wednesday by Public Policy Polling shows Mitt Romney ahead in Iowa . This is not surprising. What is surprising is the two-way tie between Sarah Palin and Herman Cain for second place.  It is not as surprising after remembering Herman Cain told Joshua Green of The Atlantic,  “From the standpoint of our conservative beliefs and values, Sarah Palin and I are probably identical.”

How is Toby Wene’s favorite former governor Jon Huntsman doing in Iowa? Only 1 of the 481 voters polled in Iowa by Public Policy Polling said that Jon Huntsman was their choice for president. It is still early, but ouch.  Huntsman is largely unknown in Iowa. When asked whether they had a favorable or unfavorable view of Jon Huntsman, 7% said they had a favorable opinion of him, 23% said they had an unfavorable opinion of him, but 70% responded they were not sure.

Truth Nugget: Harold Camping

Time for a truth nugget:

Harold Camping is fucking crazy. Paging Reverend Phelps, your doppelganger is on line 1.

I know my faithful long-time readers (Ha!) miss my truth nuggets. Here are a few more truth nuggets to let shower down on you like a shower of golden truth:

  1. The world is not going to end on May 21, 2011.
  2. Donald Trump may not be running for president, but he is still a colossal douche bag.
  3. I am a spaceman and a time traveler.

Your best friend,

Toby Wene

Truth Nugget #2-3

Donald Trump

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Are you ready for a kick right in the truth nuggets?

Alright. Stand with your legs spread. Take a deep breath. Ready, set…

Truth Nugget #2: Donald Trump has no truth nuggets.

This brings us to our 3rd truth nugget: The first two truth nuggets were about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is the anti-truth nugget. He is also an anchor baby dropped by terrorist sleepers–he is a bomb just waiting to explode. (The preceding was not a truth nugget.)